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I am a Senior Lecturer in the School of Health at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. I received my PhD in cross-cultural psychology from Victoria University of Wellington in 2015.

I am currently completing a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship awarded by The Royal Society–Te Apārangi for research titled: ‘Growing old in an adopted land: Cross-fertilizing ageing and acculturation research’.

My primary research interest lies in the field of health and lifespan development with a particular focus on the interplay between sociocultural and developmental processes.

My research focuses on intersecting areas of health, ageing and immigration. I integrate life course approaches and acculturation theory with critical gerontology and am interested in the social and cultural determinants of health and wellbeing.

My additional research interests span a variety of topics, including identity development and cross-cultural adaptation, stress management, health behaviours, and research methods. You can find more information about my current research projects here.